L a m a    Y e s h e    W i s d o m    A r c h i v e

Becoming Your Own Therapist

L a m a   T h u b t e n   Y e s h e

Lama Thubten Yeshe. 
Photo by Ricardo de Aratanha

An Introduction to the Buddhist Way of Thought

Edited by Nicholas Ribush


Editor’s Introduction

Finding Ourselves Through Buddhism

Religion: The Path of Inquiry

A Glimpse of Buddhist Psychology


Publisher's Acknowledgements

Lama Yeshe, Switzerland, 1981 "These days, people study and train to become psychologists. Lord Buddha's idea is that everybody should become a psychologist. Each of us should know our own mind; you should become your own psychologist. This is definitely possible; every human being has the ability to understand his or her own mind. when you understand your own mind, control follows naturally."
May whoever sees, touches, reads, remembers, or talks or thinks about this book never be reborn in unfortunate circumstances, receive only rebirths in situations conducive to the perfect practice of Dharma, meet a perfectly qualified spiritual guide, quickly develop bodhicitta and immediately attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings.

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